sábado, 21 de julio de 2007


Por fin retomè las clases de inglès!!! Yeah baby!!

y "Doctor Lab" o "Love" para los conocidos, me mando a "write write write.. "

bueh... como "good pupil" que soy.... he hecho mi intento

ya se que hay some "mistakes" pero no queria dejar de postear este intento de poesía que va para mi hermano... que volvió a la soltería hace un tiempo.. ( chicas chicas.. hagan cola!)
( be careful... i sent fruit... !!! ( mande fruta...)
kisses for the big pig
"the black girl" ( la negra jeje)


This is a little story
About my brother´s glory
He´s actually not sad
He´s weekend wont be bad
But I wont tell you my friends
So fast, how this history ends
sometime i could smelled
That something wasn’t going well
but he and his girlfriend seemed to be ok
actually, they couldn t share the same way
On this point they thought a way to restart
But she was in venus… and he was in mars
And the endless fight one day began
Its really a pity… I cant hardly stand
It was in the morning… the eyes were closed
And there was a bread, she didn’t like most
So he, looking angry, throw out the little toast
"Let´s go to your job"- he looked like a ghost-
don’t you think, my friend, that she is a saint
she gave me one hug, that sounded like the rain
so, maybe like this… could have better days
in venus, or mars..on different ways
im sure you´ll be in Opera Bay
drinking and dancing in your funny way
my brother,my sweetie you´ll find a new place
a girl, or a boy… I´ll love you anyway
´cause I know with this…you also will grow
and stop being that fool, like on tv "moe"
however I think, when your heart wont hurt
you´ll find.. once again.. a new and nice skirt.

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